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A glossary of general terminology related to the Knight Vision program. Use the navigation menu in the sidebar to access additional application terms related to the Workday ERP Implementation.

Workday Terms - Grants


Includes key post award attributes of the Grant/Contract/Cooperative Agreement received from the sponsor. Example: Award ID=AWDxxxxxxx (except for converted awards created prior to HRS)

Award Line

Links the Grant to the Award and specifies the costing (e.g., F&A rate and base) and reimbursable methods to be utilized. One or more award lines may be defined for an Award, but one must be the primary award line.


A grant is a project in PeopleSoft and is associated to an award line (1-to-1 relationship). Grants can be created for cost share, subawards, program income and partitioning of an award for other purposes. Example: Grant ID=GRxxxxxx

Object Class

Budget Category; cost categories (salaries, supplies, etc.) that support sponsor budget and expenditure reporting. Object class mapping identifies detailed spend categories associated with each object class. Used for calculating F&A costs.

Special Conditions

Terms & Conditions; Terms of an award set by the sponsor. List in HRS maintained. Some special conditions are also set up as “Spend Restrictions” in Workday to prevent transactions on that object class.


Funding agency of a sponsored award.

Sponsor Type

A Sponsor Type is required for each sponsor identified in Workday. It is used for reporting and only one sponsor type can be assigned to each sponsor. Examples: Federal, State of Florida, Industry, Foreign Industry, etc.


Used to apply changes to an award. All modifications submitted via HRS are processed as Amendments in Workday. When you amend an award, Workday retains the original award for tracking purposes and creates a new award version for the amended award. You can view the entire amendment history for an award or award line of any version.


Used to apply changes to an award typically not involving dates or amounts. Corrections are done directly in Workday and only if the change is not required in HRS.

Rate Agreement

Based on UCF’s Federally-negotiated F&A Rate Agreement applicable to an Award/Grant.

Cost Rate Type

Associated with the Rate Agreement field. Combines Rate Agreement and the applicable F&A rate %.

Award Line Type

Billing/Reimbursement Type. How the sponsor will get invoiced.

Revenue Category

Classifies types of revenue collected in relation to the grant/award type. Revenue types closely align with Peoplesoft Project Type selections, like Federal Grants, Match Awards, Private Grants, etc.

Spend Category

This is what the user will select when making a purchase. It is a granular level of expense that rolls up to a Workday ledger account. For Grants/Awards, spend categories are mapped to object classes to properly categorize transactions according to sponsor requirements and calculate F&A.